Mark K. Levitsky

Mark K. LevitskyMD

Mark K. Levitsky, MD, Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon


Dr. Levitsky specializes in general orthopedic care of conditions such as arthritis, fracture care, joint replacement, and trauma care.


  • Back
  • Elbow & Wrist
  • Foot & Ankle
  • Hand
  • Hip
  • Knee
  • Shoulder


Medicine became Dr. Levitsky's calling early in life. In high school, he worked as an orderly at the Memorial Hospital of Salem County in Salem, NJ. This experience led him to medicine. His lifelong passion for sports piqued his lifelong interest in orthopedic surgery.

For over thirty years, Dr. Levitsky's practice has covered general orthopedic care of conditions such as arthritis care, fracture care, joint replacement and trauma care. In 2017, lnspira Health named Dr. Levitsky as "Physician of the Year" for his excellence and experience in patient care. 

In 1981, Dr. Levitsky returned to South Jersey with privileges at the Memorial Hospital of Salem County and Bridgeton Hospital. For ten years, Dr. Levitsky served as the Chief of Surgery at Bridgeton Hospital. From 1981-89, he worked for Inter­County Orthopaedics, and established Cohanzick Orthopaedics in 1989. In 2004, he transitioned from Bridgeton to lnspira Health in Vineland, NJ.


  • Medical School: Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara
  • Internship: New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry in Jersey City
  • Residency: Cooper University Hospital
  • Residency: Hahnemann University
  • Residency: Shriner’s Hospital


Member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the New Jersey Orthopaedic Surgeons. (NJOS).

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