A guide for patients and their families

Thank you for considering the Premier Orthopaedic Associates Surgical Center for your upcoming procedure. Our staff looks forward to providing you with state-of-the-art medical care with a personal touch of comfort and attention. The Surgical Center has been established to provide the convenience of same-day surgery for specific pre-scheduled medical/surgical procedures in a pleasant and professional environment. Please read the following instructions carefully as you prepare for your visit. It is important that you follow each step. Please notify the surgical center at least 24 hours before your procedure if you need to cancel or postpone your surgery.

Surgical Centers Near You

Vineland Surgical Center

352 S Delsea Dr Suite A
Vineland, NJ 08360

(856) 690-1750

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Mullica Hill Surgical Studios

199 Mullica Hill Rd
Mullica Hill, NJ 08062

(856) 312-3110

Get Directions >>>

Pre-op visit

The surgical coordinator assigned to your doctor in the office will inform you of the need for any pre-op testing requirements during your office visit. Please notify the coordinator of any anti-inflammatory or blood thinner medications you take (i.e., aspirin, Motrin, Advil, etc.). A nurse from the surgical center will call you before your surgery to answer any questions you may have and begin to help you plan your care at home after surgery. Your admission time will be discussed during this phone call. 

Please bring your medical insurance cards and photo ID, as our receptionist will need them when registering you at the surgical center.

Bring a list of all current medications you are taking. Bring crutches, immobilizer, braces and/or any requested X-rays with you on the day of surgery.

The day before surgery

Do not eat or drink anything after midnight.

If you are taking medications regularly for heart or lung conditions (such as angina, chest pain, high blood pressure, or asthma) or for seizure (epilepsy) control, we recommend that you continue to take them on your usual schedule, including on your day of surgery. These may be taken with a small sip of water, preferably two hours before you arrive at the center.

We recommend that most adult patients with medical conditions confer with their primary physician regarding their medication regimen for the day of surgery.

No alcoholic beverages are to be used 24 hours before and after surgery. We also recommend not smoking for at least 12 hours before or after your procedure. 

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When you arrive

Please report to the receptionist at your scheduled arrival time to check in. Once admitted, your physician will visit you in the pre-op area. An anesthesiologist (if applicable) will meet with you to discuss and arrange your anesthesia care. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have at this time.

During the procedure

Your physician, anesthesiologist (if applicable), nurse, and other members of our O.R. team will be present with you throughout the length of your procedure. They will monitor your status and help you feel comfortable.

After your procedure, you will be escorted to the recovery area for a short time until you are fully alert. Once alert, you will be offered a light snack. Your nurse will review your post-op instructions and medication with you prior to discharge.

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What to wear and bring

Wear comfortable, casual clothing and shoes. Low-heeled shoes and jogging or sweat clothing are ideal. Remove all makeup and nail polish. Leave all valuables and jewelry at home. Contact lenses, glasses, hearing aids, and clothing will be removed before surgery and placed in your locker.

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Your discharge

The length of time you will need to rest before leaving will depend on the nature of your surgery as well as your own recovery. You will not be permitted to drive yourself home following discharge from the center. You must have arranged a responsible adult driver, 18 years or older, and we request that you handle these arrangements in advance. Your companion may choose to stay in our waiting area throughout your procedure, or a staff member will be happy to make a telephone call for you when you are prepared to leave.

We strongly recommend that you not make plans for the remainder of the day because you should go home and rest. Driving is prohibited for 24 hours and while taking narcotic pain medications.

Home care

Should you require additional assistance at home, arrangements must be made through your doctor’s office prior to your procedure.

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Pain management

The surgical center wishes to make every effort to promote the health, safety, and welfare of patients by establishing requirements for the assessment, monitoring, and management of pain. Pain management is the assessment and treatment of pain. The treatment of pain may include the use of medications or the application of other modalities, such as heat and cold. Pain means an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. The surgical center uses a pain rating scale as a tool, which results in an assessment and measurement of pain intensity.

The facility shall also seek information from the patient’s family, caregiver, or other representative, if available. The center will develop a treatment plan based on information gathered during a patient pain assessment that identifies the patient’s needs and specifies appropriate interventions to alleviate pain to the extent feasible and medically appropriate. The assessment of pain begins on admission and when warranted, by changes in a patient’s condition and self-report of pain. If pain is identified, a pain treatment plan is implemented, or the patient is referred for treatment or consultation.


Premier Orthopaedic Associates Surgical Center

352 S. Delsea Drive, Suite A, Vineland, NJ 08360

From the North:

  • Via Rt. 47 South:

    Take Delsea Drive (Rt. 47) South into Vineland. The Surgical Center will be between Landis and Chestnut Avenues on the right-hand side.

  • Via Rt. 55 South:

    Take exit 32A/Vineland onto W. Landis Ave. (Rt. 56), go 1.7 miles, turn right onto S. Delsea Drive (Rt. 47), go 0.3 miles, arrive at destination on the right.

From the South:

  • Via Rt. 47 North:

    Take Delsea Drive (Rt. 47) North into Vineland. The Surgical Center will be on the left-hand side between Chestnut & Landis Avenues.

  • Via Rt. 55 North:

    Take exit 32A/Vineland onto W. Landis Ave. (Rt. 56), go 1.6 miles, turn right onto S. Delsea Drive (Rt. 47), go 0.3 miles, and reach your destination on the right.

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The center will bill your insurance directly for your surgery, including all supplies. In addition, your insurance company will be billed separately by your surgeon, anesthesiologist, and, if applicable, the laboratory where specimens or cultures have been sent.  

  • Via Rt. 322 West:

    Take 322 East into Mullica Hill, and arrive at the center on the right-hand side, located at the intersection of 322 Bypass, Mullica Hill, and Clems Run Rd.

  • Via Rt. 322 East:

    Take 322 West into Mullica Hill, arrive at the center on the right-hand side, entering the parking lot just after the intersection of Mullica Hill Rd., 322 bypass W., and Clems Run Rd.

  • Via Rt. 55:

    Take exit 50/Mullica Hill 322 West, go approximately 2.8 miles, and arrive at Surgical Studios on the right-hand side just after the intersection of Mullica Hill Rd., 322 bypass W., and Clems Run Rd.

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Any further questions?

Our staff will contact you a day or two prior to your scheduled procedure. If you have any questions, you may call us Monday through Friday, 6:30 am – 5:00 pm.

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