More children and adults are participating in sports and fitness than ever before.  Regular participation in sports and physical fitness is essential for health and wellbeing.  With increased physical activities, unfortunately comes an increased risk of acute or over use injury.  Perhaps you know someone or even you, yourself have experienced one of the following conditions:

Ankle sprain                                            Plantar fasciitis
Tennis elbow                                           ACL injury
Meniscus tear                                          Shoulder dislocation
Rotator cuff tear                                      Stress fractures
Carpal tunnel syndrome                          Distal radius fracture (wrist)

There are IMPORTANT TIPS to keep in mind whenever starting an exercise program or training for competition.  Remember that you need to crawl before you can walk, start slow and gradually increase your workout as your stamina and endurance improve.  


  • Stretch before & after a workout (at least 1/3 of the time you plan on working out)
  • Stay hydrated with good old-fashioned h2o, avoid sugar loaded sports drinks
  • Be conscious about what you eat, consume the recommended daily allowance of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein to provide your body with efficient fuel for working out
  • Avoid processed "fast foods"
  • STOP if you develop pain, listen to your body.  While some mild discomfort is expected, real pain is a red flag and can lead to injury
  • Strengthen muscles specific for activity or sport performing
  • Wear proper fitting gear and foot wear
  • Use proper technique in training and performance
  • Play safe, think “Safety First”
  • Incorporate one day of REST from activity per week, your body needs time to recover

Remember:  These simple tips can limit the risk of potential injury and help ensure that your workouts lead you on a path to healthier living.  Lastly, R.I.C.E is one of the most recommended first aid therapeutic treatments for acute musculoskeletal injuries such as sprains and strains; Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

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