What should I expect on my first visit?
On your first visit, the physical therapist will perform a thorough evaluation lasting approximately 45-60 minutes, to gain a more specific understanding of your condition. Your physical therapist will use the information obtained in conjunction with the referring physician, to formulate a clinical judgment as to your prognosis and appropriate treatment intervention. From there a program will be developed based upon the issues identified and the individual patients personal goals.
What types of interventions may I receive?
This depends on what the physical therapist uncovers in the evaluation. Most physical therapy plans include therapeutic exercise and functional training to help you accomplish daily tasks. Other interventions might include manual therapy techniques, electrical stimulation, ultrasound & low-level laser therapy, just to name a few. Our programs are coordinated with all individuals involved in your care including healthcare professionals, caregivers, and family.
How long will each session last?
Appointments typically vary in length, and are dependent upon the type of injury and the level of rehabilitation that is required. Usually the average session will last anywhere from 30-90 minutes and occasionally longer if necessary. There is no specific time limit for physical therapy.
How is my progress measured?
Your progress will be reevaluated every 30 days or just prior to your follow-up consultation with your referring physician. We will compare your baseline measurements to show your objective improvement. Continuation of therapy will depend on your reevaluation results, physician’s approval and insurance authorization.
Will I need follow-up or maintenance care?
That depends on your diagnosis and prognosis. You can discuss the plan of action with your Physical Therapist prior to your discharge.
Why is physical therapy important?
Physical therapy is physical therapy helps people of all ages who have medical conditions, illnesses or injuries that limit their ability to move and function. A customized physical therapy program can help individuals return to their prior level of functioning, and encourage activities and lifestyle changes that improve overall health and well-being.